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My Data My Privacy My Choice

This book is created as a step-by-step guide on how to protect the privacy of your personal data online.
It’s targeted towards people who value their privacy, are curious about ‘locking’ down their personal data and limiting its unauthorized dissemination will find this book useful. This book may also be used as a quick reference guide for mitigating privacy concerns for the various devices and services used while surfing online. The book aims to provide details (including specific anecdotes) of how your privacy can get compromised, who benefits from your privacy getting compromised and outlines how to mitigate privacy risks online.
The major portion of the book is divided into two sections – devices and services. Under the devices section, the book explains and instructs the reader on how to deal with the privacy concerns arising from the most commonly used devices, such as PCs, smartphones, and other smart devices.

Under the services section, the book delves into the most commonly used services, such as email, social networks, and so on. Each chapter (or sometimes, sub- chapter) contains concrete, detailed recommendations split into four levels — Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, and Expert. Following the recommendations given in the book earns the reader a certain number of ‘points’ — the higher the level of recommendation followed, the more the points earned by the reader.

My Data My Privacy My Choice
A step-by-step guide to secure your personal data and reclaim your online privacy
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Available as paperback, Kindle and other eBook editions
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Readers Reviews
Sanjeev Kumar [GoodReads]
Wow ! Being an IT professional for last 17 years, this copy had been a much awaited . Rohit has been a household name in global security and privacy arena. He is a founder and pioneer of one of the first IT security startup – Clubhack. I love the insights this book gives us on privacy with so much ease. Amidst privacy scams around globe and implementation of GDPR, this copy is a must have and prescription for newbies to senior executives. A must read !
Nobotz [Amazon]
This is a lucid explanation of how your simple low friction online actions have the potential to cause you serious harm. This is a book written by a practitioner, dry theory simplified for the masses .
Jitendra Kumar [Amazon]
An extremely powerful naration of the journey of data security and privacy by Rohit. Today data rules the world.
This book raises awareness on how the data can be missused and what should be done to protect it. We normalise few risks in our daily life, and this book is an eye opener.
After reading this book you will understand “being victim to cyber attacks is also your choice”.
I strongly recommend everyone who is concerned with the privacy and security of data to read this book atleast once.
Rohit did a commendable job in keeping this complex topic simple enough for the common reading. It’s one of unique skills Rohit possess. What makes this book an excellent read is how he blends the practical security aspects of data privacy and its security lifecycle in this book. Well done!!!
A Book by Rohit Srivastwa
A Book by Rohit Srivastwa
About the Author
Rohit Srivastwa is a serial entrepreneur, a recipient of Microsoft MVP award in the domain of “Enterprise Security”, and a multifaceted professional with experience in Cyber Security, Enterprise Security, Enterprise IT, Secure Digital Transformation and Cyber warfare. He is also actively involved in advising several Military agencies, Law Enforcement, Corporate and Government bodies of different countries in these fields.
He is a well-known Security Evangelist and Founder of India’s first ever hackers’ conference and community named “ClubHack”. His last startup was acquired by QuickHeal Technology Ltd in 2016. He has been featured in many technical shows and news panels related to cyber warfare and cyber security. Rohit has also spoken at many events across the globe including TEDx, Microsoft Digital Crime Convention among others.
He has designed the entire M.Tech in Information Security currently being offered by Pune University. He is also a visiting faculty at several A-grade institutions such as IITs, IIMs, Symbiosis, BITS, etc. He is a liaison member at FIRST.org, where his responsibilities include liaising between CERTs of different countries and companies.
ClubHack Labs LLP
Virtual CISO
Few large enterprises
Dept of Science & Technology, Govt of India
Mentor and Advisor
Several Cyber Security Startups